Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Activities of Saturday, October 5, 2014 - Washing produce

Bought a bunch of produce today so of course I had to wash it. You can rinse any bulk/obvious dirt on fruit and veggies in the tap water. Then you wash and soak briefly all of the items in bottled water with "soap" with a bacteria killing additive. Once dry, I wrap the items or not depending on whether they will dry out of not. Finally, they go into the produce drawer. If an item isn’t in the produce drawer, it hasn’t been properly washed and it is not to be eaten. We’ve used this process since we got here and we’ve avoided all gastrointestinal issues so we must be doing something right. Easily purchased items include various lettuce, cucumbers, red or yellow peppers, carrots. Of these, the lettuce is the hardest to wash/prep. The carrots are terrific here. They are huge and sweet. Not sure where they come from but they are very good carrots. I usually cut a bunch of them into nice sticks after washing the latest purchases. I'm looking forward to learning how to prepare and eat the wide variety of produce that is new to us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm curious to hear more about how the wet and dry kitchens are used, but enjoyed seeing all of the beautiful produce, I have been preparing myself to give up fresh lettuce salads. It sounds like a really busy several weeks. Note to self - pack an ice cube tray.


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