Friday, October 24, 2014

What's that wet stuff in the air and more...

Finally, the long, long dry spell was broken and the rainy season began. It rained yesterday for maybe 30 minutes and that wasn't continuous. We were out to dinner and when leaving the restaurant, there were some men with very large squeegees removing the puddles from the driveway in front of the restaurant. There was a steep ramp up and down right in front of the restaurant so maybe they were trying to avoid anyone slipping on the rainwater? So now that "wet season" has begun, we'll let you know in 4-6 months how we feel about it once it stops raining.

The restaurant was called The Goods Diner and B was excited because they have some breakfast items served all day. It's more of an American style restaurant with a few Asian items. I had a really nice pan seared salmon with roasted veggies and some greens. It really hit the spot. B had lamb chops.

We found them- 2 items- a kitchen timer and an ozone veggie/fruit cleaner.  This will make the washing of produce somewhat easier and use less water. I knew the ozone washer was difficult to find but we found it accidentally while looking for an air cleaner tonight. We got both on sale. Always good to find items on sale.

Isn't this cute? The ozone veggie/fruit cleaner looks like some sort of a frog to me.
 Do you know what this is?
It's not an alien ship in the sky. It's the light panel on the air cleaner we purchased. If you decide the lights are too bothersome, you can turn them off. B says it's like sleeping in my brother's computer room. There is a lot of light entering the alcove from the automatic balcony light so I'm not sure if we'll really notice these lights at all. Here it is with the room lights on.
I don't think I mentioned this before but we finally bought a transformer for my Ninja blender. I knew it wasn't dual voltage but I wanted to bring ONE thing with me and B promised we'd get a transformer. I used my Ninja to make "ice cream" from only frozen star fruit.  As ice cream, star fruit flavor is a little too floral for me; but it was still pretty good. The transformer works just fine, but the device itself looks like something that belongs in a garage, not a kitchen.

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