Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Activities of Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Catching up!!!
Sorry about the large gap in writing to all of you but we moved! It’s been a very, very busy time. Moving always seems to be that way and the process took priority over updating the blog in a timely fashion.  Now that we are at least somewhat settled, I will attempt to update everyone. I am trying to write the updates day by day as everything occurred but in reality I'm writing this week.

Yesterday we took possession of the apartment. How many people do you think it takes to “close” on the leasing of the new apartment? Let’s just say that the hall outside our apartment looked like a used shoe store. We had the owner’s reps, our rep, us, several tenant relations people for the apartment, and several different technicians fixing last minute items. It seemed like all of the reps had their own list to verify various things before we actually did the transfer and we got the keys. A lot of the checking was regarding the items that the owner had purchased for the apartment and will stay with the apartment when we leave. It was a huge flurry of activity and took 1.5 to 2 hours and then we finally got the keys after lots of signature signing on lots of paperwork. We did not spend last night at the apartment. We just got the keys and then went back to the Fraser.

Today was also a busy day. Our air shipment container was delivered to the apartment and we moved some of our stuff to our new apartment. We had hired Marsi, the last maid candidate we spoke with, and she and I spent the day helping us unpack and start to organize everything.  There was just stuff everywhere. I tried to at least get dishes and the little food we brought from the Fraser organized in the kitchens (yes, 2 kitchens, a "wet" kitchen and a "dry" kitchen- pictures will be coming soon.) 

Brad was around in the morning but went to work in the early afternoon leaving Marsi and me to continue the process. About 4:30, I was getting tired ( if I'm being honest, I was very tired) so I sent Marsi on her way and Oky took me back to the Fraser. Brad had very late meetings so he was exhausted after his long day.

We both thought everything went well on Wednesday with Marsi…

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