Monday, October 27, 2014

The Weekend

Saturday was remember US foods day!  We were out most of the day so we had lunch out and opted for Carl's Jr hamburgers and fries. I made an interesting drink choice. Blueberry Fanta.
Yep, it turned everything blue temporarily- even my teeth. I couldn't finish it because it was so loaded with sugar.

To further remember the US, we finally broke down and went to a Dunkin Donuts here. They are everywhere believe it or not. There is even one that might take maybe 3 minutes to walk to if you exclude the waiting for and riding on the elevator to get to the lobby door.  Perhaps that is just a little too close. This was more like what Dunkin used to be like in the US. Fully stocked shelves all the time. At noontime, they were still cranking out fresh donuts. And the variety of flavors was amazing. Not just the regular types but kiwi filled, melon filled, and durian filled ( no, still no durian of any kind for me); black capuccino (dark chocolate with coffee flavored glaze), black triple chocolate (dark chocolate donut with chocolate filling ( real chocolate, not chocolate pudding) and glazed with chocolate, peanut butter something, black hazelnut, a chocolate mint variety, green tea, srikaya filled ( it's a fruit also called a sugar apple); there were just too many to name. The srikaya one was delicious and the donuts fresh. To balance out the sugar and calories we washed them down with unsweetened iced tea.
I know at least one person out there is wondering if they have coollata drinks here. The answer is yes and in the following flavors: cappucino, mocha, dark chocolate, green bean, Thai tea, blueberry and tiramasu. They also have Dunkachino drinks- though one of the flavors is avocado. The other flavor was banana.

Lastly, Dunkin Donuts here sells fresh baked bread all sliced and ready to go!  Conclusion? Don't worry about missing donuts in Indonesia. They are well represented by Krispy Creme, Dunkin and a host of others.


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