Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Apartment Tour Part 5-the last one!

We purchased a replacement router- one that is supposed to have 4+ times the range of the router that the phone company puts in. We do not get any better wi-fi signal in the apartment. Still just the 2 rooms. We just don't understand this. We will keep trying to figure it out but I wonder if the technician had to reduce all of the high power settings in order for it to work with their antiquated, slow system. Maybe that's why it's giving the same results? What they lack here is an expert that can troubleshoot this. It does not exist.


  1. The speed and power that the router uses between your various devices and itself have nothing to do with the communication speed it has with the service provider. (It might have a 1 Kilobit WAN side link to your service provider, but have Gigabit speed on the LAN side to your devices. They are not related.) You should be able to crank up the transmit power of your router to 11 ("This is Spinaltap" reference ;-)

  2. Send me an email with the make/model of the router?


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