Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Activities of Sunday, October 12, 2014

After an initial experiment mid-week where I reheated some leftovers, I thought it was now time to try to cook something from scratch. [Note: if I haven't mentioned it, the only available manual was in Spanish. I translated the important text using Google Translate and pasted the text into a digital document so I could print the sections and insert into the Spanish manual. Even with that, it's taking some practice to really get the hang of this oven. Not like anything I've ever used before.] 

Armed with flour, sugar, butter, etc., I made a batch of simple biscuits.  Don't have a rolling pin so I just patted out the dough and cut it with a glass. Well, the temperature swings in this oven seem to be wide. The temperature was way too low and so I didn’t get a good rise but they tasted great. I do have an oven thermometer and after preheat everything seemed fine. Then the temp fell and stayed down. I did the best I could to try to increase the temp, but the response is very slow.
For Vic: The dragon fruit jam was inexpensive also! Just like the fruit.

Later in the day we went hunting for some shirts for B after walking over to the mall again. In the US you pick up the size you want and pay for it. Here, they encouraged him to try them on. They removed the tags, pins, undid the buttons and then handed him the shirt. Whether he bought the shirt or not they would neatly close the buttons and fold it all back up immediately. If we bought the shirt, they did the first steps then also packed it perfectly in a new plastic bag with the label printed on the bag and then carried the shirt to the cashier for us. B was able to find 3 new short sleeved shirts today that he liked.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to mention that somewhere in the chaos of this past weekend I decided I wanted to make brownies. I do not have any cocoa but I found a recipe for brownies requiring melted chocolate chips. We had just purchased a few 3 oz dark chocolate bars so I used them. They were really nice dark chocolate bars in the 65-75% cocoa solids range.The brownies were moist and fudgy. I think it was just luck because the temp didn't hold very well and I kept adjusting. Or maybe I am getting the hang of this oven slowly. My mahjong group got the benefit of most of the brownies! They were gobbled up much quicker than my carrot salad. Can't say I blame the ladies even though the carrot salad was very good.


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