Tuesday, September 30, 2014

4pm today the apartment should be ours!/ Finding a maid

Assuming everything goes according to plan, we will do the transfer of the apartment at 4pm today. At that time we get the keys. I've spent a little time organizing for the move to the new apartment today. The whole move shouldn't be that difficult given how little "stuff" we actually have. However, we do have food and other stuff we've purchased while living at the Fraser and we bought a bunch of supplies this weekend and so we have to move that as well. What supplies? Hangers, dust mop, cleaning cloths, a front door/entry rug, stuff to clean floors, an all purpose cleaner, etc. We bought the basics to get started cleaning.

Nearly all of the stuff that was ordered for the apartment has been delivered so that's excellent.

The plan is that our air shipment will be delivered tomorrow at 10:30 am. The air shipment contains the stuff that was packed up on May 27 and we haven't seen it since. It's been in storage here in Jakarta since July 31. We hope to be fully moved into the apartment within the next couple of days.  We will post an update once we are all moved in.

On the maid front, we decided the language barrier was just too great to hire the maid I wrote about recently. We really liked her despite the language barrier, but ultimately we decided we really needed someone who spoke at least some English.  We found out about another possibility over the weekend and met her on Sunday. She speaks English fairly well and is apparently an excellent cook and housekeeper. We are checking references and making sure she has a current KTP identity card, but if all of that checks out we might end up hiring her.

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