Saturday, September 13, 2014

Catching up

My apologies for not posting anything for quite a few days. When I first sat down to write something earlier in the week it just didn't "gel." I determined it was just not going to happen that day, so I waited for future inspiration. I will now try to catch everyone up.

I was off to AWA(Amer. Women's Assoc) twice this week. On Monday was a weekly coffee & chat and then on Tuesday I attended my first "Social and Shopping" at the AWA. This is their general business monthly meeting but they've named it something that sounds like a lot more fun with the hope to lure more attendees. They also do have an area of vendors at the meeting so, yes, there is actual shopping involved. I didn't see anything this week to purchase. They also always have tables set up for reps of their corporate sponsors which includes a couple of travel companies. It sounds like they really do some interesting trips within Indonesia and elsewhere. They do carry on business of the club and also have a guest speaker; this week's speaker was the current US Ambassador to Indonesia. Also on hand was a member of the Consular staff at the Embassy who is involved with the US Citizen Services department. The Ambassador had some interesting things to say and when queried about what happens if we get arrested, the Consular staff liaison was happy to walk us through the details. Hint: You do not want to get arrested here.

Some of the ladies adjourned to the dining room at the American Club for a light lunch. I had lunch there and followed that up with a brief lesson in Mahjong. It remains to be seen if I will enjoy this game but the ladies were nice and it was a very social and not very competitive version. I hear this game can get quite intense and addicting. A group of AWA ladies plays on most Tuesday afternoons so we'll see. I was learning to play the American/Western version but the other table was playing the Chinese version. It's a traveling game moving from house to house week to week.

B had a French visitor here early in the week and they went to a place called Potato Head Garage for dinner. Would you believe me if I told you there is actually a Potato Head as well as the Garage? It's outside of the mall right near the future apartment so we'd be able to walk there! Pretty good food.

B and I ate at an Indonesian Soul Food restaurant on Wednesday night. No reservations for couples ( just large parties) so we went extra early. Food very good. Dessert, not so good. What they called a peanut cake was equivalent of a large hamburger bun with a drizzle glaze of peanut butter , confectioner's sugar and a little milk. Will not be eating that again.

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