Saturday, September 13, 2014

The big search

We have begun the search for a household helper(maid), though household helper seems to include cooking sometimes where the definition of a maid may or may not. We're getting some help from one of B's admins. We learned about a couple of possibilities but I've also submitted an ad for one to an expat online classified listing run by an expat who started a catering business here. Long story but she also includes want ads, maid postings, and for sale listings, etc., at the end of her daily mailings about the catering side of things.

We did our first interview on Friday and we are not very good at it. Also, I have no idea whether she would work well with us or not. We're leaning to a live-out maid but the one we spoke to on Friday is looking to live in due to the distance she'd have to commute daily. She is married so not sure about this. She also said initially she wanted only 3 days a week, live out, then when B explained earlier in the week that we were looking for at least 5 days a week for the first month to get settled, she switched to "live-in."

We also asked a relocation person if she had anyone looking and also our realty agent. So we will continue the search.

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