Sunday, September 14, 2014

Traveling by car

Just wanted to share a couple of photos related to traveling by car and also traffic, on the roads and off. Here are 2 shots of traffic on a lighter traffic time of day. At very heavy traffic times, our car would be surrounded by scooters packed densely. Our driver Oky can be seen in the driver's seat (on the right side of the car in this country where we drive on the left).

Today we headed to Senayan City mall on a mission. Confirm the bath mats for the new apartment. Practically all of these cars were left idling, waiting for staff to valet park them. Oky had a really difficult time actually getting to us to pick us up because of the cars just sitting there. The parking staff was working really hard, but there were just not enough people to park the cars. Normally there are at least 4 lanes for traffic. Three of them were filled with parked cars! We were among a very large group of people waiting for their cars/drivers to arrive.

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