Sunday, September 7, 2014

The "game" and a dessert

Sunday evening.
Today we woke bright and early to enjoy a nice breakfast in the hotel before the 7:00 am live coverage of the 8:00 pm Saturday night football game between The Ohio State Buckeyes and Virginia Tech. The score did not turn out in our favor, but the streaming live of the game was partially successful. Everything went fine at first, but then we lost the ESPN stream and resorted to another stream channel that apparently had no audible commentary. I depend on commentary to know what's going on! We could hear ref calls and some crowd noise and band stuff but nothing else. At one point we heard "testing one two three repeatedly" but then it stopped and nothing changed audibly. After some time I located a live audio stream for my tablet so we listened and watched on two different signals. They were slightly out of sync and made things more confusing for me. B thought it was "tolerable." We hope we have better signal strength next week. Here's a shot before the streaming hit a snag. Laptop computer tethered to the living room TV. Video, nice! Audio? Couldn't get it sync with the sound bar so listened off the laptop.
In summary, we did not play very well at all and the technical aspect of this procedure needs some refinement but overall it seems to work, somewhat. It is possible. Hopefully, next week it will be better. The score?  OSU 21; VT 35. Boo hoo. A historic loss for many reasons. I won't state all of them here.

With all the discussion about the salak yesterday, I forgot to mention the yummy dessert we had with lunch at a fish place on Saturday. Sizzling pineapple cake with vanilla sauce. In the background is the menu showing what it looked like as it arrived at the table before the dessert buzzards got on it. We stopped to take this picture during the feeding frenzy then quickly finished it off. By the way, we were not the only folks in this restaurant photographing their desserts.

The server poured a wee bit too much sauce on the really hot tray and the sauce foamed up and boiled all over the tray and even onto the table, but who cares? We had to wait a few minutes before diving into this delicious dessert because the sauce was very,very hot. For the record, the dessert buzzards did not make the sauce mess on the table. Mom, you would love this!


  1. A very interesting looking fruit... more pit than flesh. Do you get a breeze in the apt or are the winds calm

  2. Yes to the breezes! Almost always breezes here and on the apartment balconies there are breezes. Should be lovely in the early morning with a cup of tea or coffee.


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