Sunday, September 28, 2014

Pocari Sweat?

I've been meaning to write about this for a few weeks. So what is a Pocari and what might you do with its bottled sweat?

Don't worry, it's just a brand name for the local equivalent of Gatorade. However, there is only the one "flavor" and that flavor is sort of a mild citrus with an odd aftertaste. We've bought a couple of bottles of this and each time we giggle a little about the name.

We have given Pocari Sweat a try obviously, but we have not yet tried the ice cream brand "Dung Dung." I may have mentioned this before. We just can't get past the name. It even comes in durian fruit flavor. Durian is a very smelly fruit that you either love or hate depending on your personal tastebuds. I do not think I will ever be interested enough to try a fruit that is banned on public busses and in many public venues due to the strong aroma.

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