Saturday, August 9, 2014

Confirmed: Jet lag is a thing of the past

Yes, it took a few days to fully rid myself of jet lag but as of this morning I am absolutely sure it's gone. Yippy! Brad was fine after a couple of days. I was fully functional after a few days but wasn't quite sleeping regularly. This morning I slept in until 7 am as opposed to 4 or 5am.

Ate breakfast in the Fraser restaurant. Both of us had a green salad as a first course. Fresh greens aren't available on a regular basis but are available at breakfast along with a lot of other items in the buffet traditionally eaten at lunch or dinner by folks from the US: red rice, baked beans, sushi. They also have scrambled eggs, yogurt, beef sausage, pancakes or french toast, sometimes pork sausage, sometimes pork bacon. They serve beef bacon, but for me it just isn't the same. On the other hand, beef sausage is very good. Maybe in sausage form I am less demanding. I have also found Caribou sausage ( eaten way up north) to be yummy! More breakfast items from which to choose: several cereals, juices, milk, coffee, tea. A lot of options for us.

On the previous post (photo of Brad at the table) I tried a new technological device: I discovered I can email posts/photos on the fly from my iphone directly to the blog. I figured out how to title it, but not how to add a note. We may post a picture now and then and add commentary later. Or maybe I will figure out how to add commentary on the fly as well.

This afternoon we are doing some shopping. Later, because all of the members of the first wave of the work team have arrived, we are meeting for dinner. We hear it will be a traditional Indonesian dinner.

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