Thursday, August 21, 2014

Househunting round two

Earlier this week we returned to house hunting. We looked at some beautiful apartments in a building near the SCBD Suites. The apartments were very nicely appointed and about the same cost as SCBD Suites, however the apartments were only 50% of the SCBD size. We both think these are just too small. Also, they did not have a balcony. Took them off the list.

Next we looked at 3 other apartments in SCBD Suites that are also available. Two of them had the exact same layout, same view, same balconies. One of them was the mirror image of the layout and on the other side of the building and had a view of another building. Neither of us liked this flow or the view. Took that off the list. One apartment was heavily damaged. It was clear multiple children lived here for an extended period of time. There were actually words and drawings on the wallpaper, carved or in magic marker. I would think the owner would do repairs before showing the place. Even the furniture and woodwork was highly damaged. Took that off the list.That left the 3rd apartment. Much less furniture in this one than the original SCBD Suites apartment. Decor is plain, minimal and not our taste but if the owner will replace some things and add a couple of things, it might work.

We also did look at what was called a townhouse which won't work for us. Very industrial in design with some major water damage issues and mildew issues. It didn't even have nice views. Oh well. In a great area but ... Took this one off the list.

Because we will need furniture and a lot of other stuff we will be going furniture shopping on Saturday to see what is available.

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