Friday, August 8, 2014

Dear readers,
I have messed things up already and accidentally deleted a few comments and a couple of my replies where they appeared in the blog. I can still read them in a comments summary on the blog author's pages so I don't quite know what I did. However, I am pasting them in here. Hopefully I won't mess it up again and in future your comments will appear where they should appear. And, PS, thanks for the comments. Makes this fun!

Comment from Susan-
We had one of those combined washer/dryers in Scotland. It seemed to take forever for things to dry, but perhaps that was operator error. Looks like you're having fun!

Reply from PBINDO-
Things take forever to dry in this case also, except if the load is mostly men's dress shirts and other light things. Things like jeans and other slacks--anything heavier than lightweight, no. Also found I have to put everything on high temp/cotton to get them to dry in a timely fashion. On one setting I tried, the thing said it would take over 5 hours to dry the load. ( I was trying to dry some stuff on delicate or something.)

Comment from Guillaume-
Thank you for sharing your adventure on this blog. The apartment looks great! 

Comment from Sue A-
Lots of shelves, a wonderful view and room for Brad to chase you around! Looks like you could to a bit of Ferris Buehler's guitar rift on those shiny floors :)

Reply from PBINDO-
Yes, there is a lot of storage-- many more than show in the few pictures I posted. Funny you should say that about the floors. I was Skyping with my niece yesterday and sliding back and forth in my desk chair on the marble floors in the Fraser residence. Each slide was accompanied by squealing "Whee!" as I slid backwards away from the camera. I could easily slide 12 or 13 feet backwards in my chair. Maybe you had to be there, but my niece thought it was pretty funny.
Holy cow and Wow!

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