Monday, August 18, 2014

Visa last step complete/starting over for a place to live

It's a day of good news and bad news.  First the good news. I, along with 10 other spouse/kid combos, went to Immigration this morning and met an agent who facilitated the completion of the visa step 3.  We had our pictures taken, had our fingerprints taken and also had to sign our names on something that resembled a black wax tablet without being able to see the signature as we signed. I had terrible trouble not touching a button on the electronic pen and I just hope my signature is close enough to my passport signature. I have the same trouble with my own pen tablet.  In just about an hour all 11 of us were done!  We should all have our visas (good for 1 year) on Thursday.

As for the bad news: we are not getting the SCBD Suites apartment. The owner is backing out. We both had a feeling because things weren't finalized by now that something was wrong but we just found out today. We have no idea what the story is, but we will start over.  This is definitely not good news. I was starting to look forward to having somewhere to call home. And it was a nice place. What can I say? This stinks!


  1. Do you have some more options, or are you back to square 1?

  2. Yes. Basically back at square one. Very little inventory this time of year.


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