Sunday, August 31, 2014

Go Bucks! or how to watch OSU football from Indonesia

This has been weighing on my mind since Brad first announced we might come here: was it possible for me to continue viewing my precious The Ohio State Buckeyes play football during the fall season?

After much research I found a streaming site which looks like it will work. We paid for a 3-day trial to test it and it worked pretty well. A one-year subscription is only $45 USD. With this plan I can stream a lot of NCAA college sports and the NFL and I can stream CNN News (US) and lots more. Using the site isn't all that easy but once you find the correct "stream channel" then it does seem to work pretty well.

The Bucks first game,  against Navy, started at noon on Saturday Aug 30 in Baltimore, MD. This meant to watch the game live from here, it started at 11pm Saturday night. I took a nap in the afternoon to be able to stay up.

Thanks to my friend Karen, we had set up to Skype during the game with her tablet propped up on a table on top of a book stack in the event I could not figure out any other option. I should point out that this only was possible because it was an away game and Karen was not at the stadium.

I had also found, I thought, a way to stream audio for free ( in case I can't live stream video for a specific game), but that didn't pan out for this game. They seemed to be having technical difficulties.

Additional technical difficulties occurred when I was trying to simultaneously stream video and Skype on 2 different devices both using Wi-Fi. I eventually just shut off the live video stream and watched with Karen via Skype.

The live streaming experiment was a success and I hope to be able to watch many of the games, though Skyping with Karen will always be more fun than watching without her company and expertise.

If you don't follow the Buckeyes....... OSU 34:Navy 17

Now if I could only figure out how to watch archived games the next day. I do have the advantage over Columbus folks when it comes to night games. There are five night games this season so far-- an unusually high number.

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