Sunday, August 3, 2014

Our Indonesian adventure begins...

We have set up a basic blog to keep everyone informed about our great adventure in Indonesia. We've spent the last couple of days dealing with technology, jet lag,  ... Here is our very first entry. Sorry it is so brief but we will get better and we will include photos-- which we know is the only reason you're looking at this.


July 30-August 1.
We left our hotel at 3:25 am (US EDT) for our 5:35 am flight to Chicago on Wednesday July 30.  After legs from Chicago to Tokyo and then Tokyo to Jakarta our plane landed at 11:05 pm (Jakarta time) on July 31. Equivalent time on the east coast of US was 12:05 pm EDT.

Updated: Here I am on the plane between Chicago and Toyko.

On landing in Jakarta, the lines for the Visitor On Arrival VISA were very long due to travel at the end of the Indul Fitri holiday. Our bags were waiting for us in baggage claim and we had no trouble hooking up with our driver, though we had to call him twice and say, "We're still in line!" He waited patiently.  We arrived at the Hotel Mulia at approximately 1:30 am August 1 (Jakarta time) and heads hit the pillows 10 minutes later.

August 1.
We were off to Brad's office for a morning meeting at 10:00. We lunched and had to deal with SIM card issues for Brad's phone... long story more later. Had lunch at a "food court". For everyone who just pictured a typical American-style food court-- SHAME, SHAME ON YOU! This is nothing like that. More later on Indonesian food courts.

Ben and Colleen: We did not go house shopping today. That will wait until Monday.  Yay!

August 2.
Jet lag issues woke us up in the middle of the night so we were a little sleepy but visited 2 Jakarta malls today. I say visit because we didn't actually purchase anything except lunch. We walked a lot and spent the highest percentage of our time in a grocery store staring at all of the goodies that we will be able to buy and try here.

August 3.
Slept better last night. Jet lag is lessening. Today we move from the Hotel Mulia to the Frasier Residence Sudirman Jakarta.  Our driver is picking us up in a couple hours so this has to be short as we pack up our stuff AGAIN.

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