Friday, August 8, 2014

Home sweet home

It appears that the SCBD Suites apartment will be our home. Paperwork is moving forward. However, even though the agent at the showings indicated we could have the apartment on September 1, the owner says we can’t have it until October 1. That means we will stay at the Fraser Residence a month longer than we thought. It is nice here, but I for one would like to have the small amount of our “stuff” that was air shipped here. We said goodbye to all of it on May 29 and it looks like we won’t see it again until the first week of October at a minimum. This “stuff” includes my desktop computer, my printer, assorted clothing, some needed kitchen items, etc.  I would really like to have them all RIGHT NOW, but I’m managing. There are just times when you want to print something and I look in the closet at the few items of clothing I have and I wonder, “How many times have I worn this or that in the last 2 weeks?” 

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