Friday, August 8, 2014

It's all about the food...

Isn't it?

Dragon fruit, soursop, pastries, breads etc.

I have purchased this fruit on one occasion while in the US. Here, it is everywhere and I just love it. It comes in 2 forms, white ( the traditional) and red. I think I prefer the white.
In case your monitor color is off, this is the red one!
I forgot to take a "before" shot. It is rounder than the white.

A blurry shot of a whole white dragon fruit.

For Daniel: Have not found Soursop yogurt yet, but have purchased a delicious passion fruit-peach yogurt.

There are so many breads and pastries to try. Here are just a couple. One was an almond tart and one was a little sponge cake filled with chocolate mousse. We also saw but did not purchase a croissant coated in chocolate sprinkled with almonds. Total cost for the two: $2.50 US.
And a couple of noodle soup packets.  Loads of sodium but worked before we'd had a chance to get some basics.

The first big experiment. We bought an onion and we had this soup packet, a sort of chicken soup. Turned out it had a very mild curry flavor so I diced up an apple quickly after adding an entire sauteed onion and ended up with a tasty soup!

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