Friday, August 8, 2014

Jockeys, house hunting and more

Most of our time between August 4 and August 6 was consumed by house hunting and apartment hunting and grocery store shopping ( to get in the basics).

But first, why am I talking about jockeys?  Are we still in Kentucky? No. Allow me to explain. Here they have a regulation that during certain periods of the day ( heaviest traffic) in certain areas of the city, you must have a minimum of 3 people in your vehicle. The idea was to probably encourage car-pooling. Indonesian inventiveness came up with something else. People earn money by jumping in your car so you can drive through these areas and create the minimum of 3 people. In our case, when we have the driver and one of us, we need 1 person extra. If it's just the driver on his way through the area, he would need 2 people. These extra people are called jockeys.This business is so lucrative, jockeys have banded together and purchased shuttle buses and a driver to drive them to the spots

Househunting? We looked at 8 houses and 2 apartments. A few of the houses weren't really "liveable" without a lot of work. Because of the limited selection available right now, and we need something fast, we think we have settled on a large apartment.  And I mean large. It has more square feet than some of the houses we've owned. It would be available September 1 which would be good. It's called SCBD Suites ( SCBD=Sudirman Central Business District). The process of getting a lease contract signed takes about a week here, so we will have to wait a bit to learn if this will be our home in Jakarta.
SCBD Suites on the right
The pool
The lobby
A few interior shots of the potential apartment at SCBD Suites:
Two views from the apartment

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