Sunday, August 31, 2014

The iron predicament

We have an iron in the Fraser, however it is only a dry iron. The other day while trying to press the wrinkles out of a linen shirt so I could avoid having to wash it immediately, I actually collapsed the ironing board onto my feet due to the exertion I was applying.

This iron is fine I suppose if you are ironing pretty damp items, but I really needed an iron with a steam function.

Saturday, while we were shopping, we went to a Best Denki in the Grand Indonesia Mall. I spent some time settling on the best available option. We selected a Bosch iron which happens to be purple in color. It does vertical steam but you have to pause with repeated steaming events. You can't just keep going like you could with my Rowenta. This of course was less pricey.

After we selected the iron, the store staff asked if we wanted to check it. Odd request we thought, but we said OK and they removed it from the box and plugged it into a receptacle to demonstrate that it actually heated up. In fact, it heated up rather quickly. Test complete.

They packed it back up, pulled the price/item number info off the shelf, we paid for the iron and went on our way still in the store. [Note: We found 2 styles of sewing machine possibilities and a good desk lamp Brad likes for possible future purchase.]

While we were still in the shop, a couple of staff approached us to tell us they had mis-charged us for the iron and the price tag they used was for the blue one (cheaper). The clerk had just grabbed the wrong tag by mistake. So, we needed to pay additionally for the purple one. We also had the warranty paperwork completed by the store which the first clerk had not done. Anyway, after paying the second time, we skidaddled out of the store before they could change their minds again.

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