Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The deposit is done for the apartment!

It looks like the apartment will be ours. I have been busy the last 2 days selecting new drapes, sheers, wallpaper, paint. Together B and I have finalized decisions from our weekend extravaganza of shopping on over 20 furniture/fixture items that the owner will buy and have delivered/installed to the apartment. This includes things like sofa, loveseat, chair, desk chairs, desks, refrigerator, microwave- all sorts of things. It's been a whirlwind of decision making and running all over to look at items and samples. It reminds me of the time we had to select window treatments for an entire house in one day back in 1987 for the first house we built. I think B was out of town Monday through Friday each week and so we had the one day to accomplish the huge task. He could then drive back to wherever on Sunday. It was a very long day. By the end, I just didn't have the strength to care anymore. That is why B ended up with a puppy dog print curtain for his office windows. When he held up the fabric and said this is good, I said OK we're done. I can still picture those colorful puppy cartoon characters!

Sampai waktu berikutnya (until next time)


  1. Trying to picture puppy print curtains in the plant manager's office and it makes me smile.


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