Sunday, August 17, 2014


Today we visited Plaza Senayan (mall) to look around and grocery shop. We seem to visit the grocery store much more frequently than we did in the US. This is in part due to the fact that you must carry your bags really far from the store without aid of a cart. Typically the grocery stores are located in the basement of the mall and far from the entrance. I don't recall seeing anyone with one of those 2-wheel foldable carts either. Amazingly this mall is the hotbed of ice cream shops. It has three: Baskin Robbins, Cold Stone Creamery, Haagan Dazs.  I had a new flavor caramel biscuit something at Haagan Dazs.  A little on the expensive side at around $3.25USD for just a small single scoop in a cup but it's been weeks since I had any ice cream and I'd been craving some. Yummy!

Brad has been craving pretzels and olives. We can locate olives, but at $9.00USD for a small bottle, well, you know Brad!  The pretzels? Haven't found any.

PS Today is Independence Day in Indonesia.  Selamet hari kemerdekaan! ( Happy Independence Day!)

1 comment:

  1. Part of the reason is probably cultural. People just shop more often here. Refrigerators are small and maybe they like things superfresh.They even sell fish that's still swimming in tanks at all the groceries.


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