Sunday, August 10, 2014

Too pale to post

Well, here we are on Sunday afternoon. Our driver was given the day off so we had a quiet day. No errands, no business to attend to (for the most part). Except of course, we had to get organized for the VISA trip to Singapore tomorrow.

Some recent thoughts:
They sell durian fruit ice cream at the Lotte Mart here- right up by the registers in a freezer case. So I have 2 concerns. First is the obvious issue of getting ice cream home from the store here. It can be a long trip (time -wise) even if the distance is short if the traffic is heavy and you don't know how it will go all the time. The result would be melted durian. Second concern is that durian is that fruit that has quite a strong odor. I can't make up my mind if I want to try it. People say it either tastes delicious or horrible. And even the durian lovers admit you have to get past the smell.

I have located Clinique skin care products at the mall near the future apartment. However, they do not carry (according to the clerk) the redness solutions product line in Indonesia. Guess there aren't very many folks with rosacea here. I'm going to try the mildest cleanser line and see how it goes. I really liked the redness solutions line and I have some in the air shipped goods that are warehoused here somewhere until Oct 1. What I brought with me, however, won't last that long. I am covered on the moisturizer though.

Only having 1 skillet and 1 saucepan has gotten a little irritating so went just crazy and spent the equivalent of $4 on a small aluminum saucepan to add to the set of 2 we already had. It will make it a little easier to cook-- but having a real oven would really be nice. I think I've already mentioned this before.

Lychee juice- pretty good. Will definitely have that again.

Haven't found fresh rambutan yet- but on the hunt. My West Virginia ESL student from Vietnam told me I must try this if I should ever come across it. I got a can of canned rambutan, but I'm not sure I can judge it this way. Tasted a lot like lychee to me. If you don't know what lychee or rambutan are- do a little research. Come on, it will be fun!

We ate in the restaurant for breakfast and lunch today because, well, I don't know why we just did. I had something yummy and quite filling for lunch called Kwey Teo Siram. It is a wide, long noodle soup sort of thing with chicken and vegetables.

We also went swimming today-- yep, us, swimming, in a chlorinated pool, not in the ocean. We slathered up with sunscreen and played a the pool for about 45 minutes. I am a better snorkle swimmer than a lap swimmer. I need some goggles I think. I'm not used to the water touching my eyes. Hopefully I will get better.  And you can't tread water very well because the pool is only 4 feet deep across the entire thing. Here are a couple of photos from the trip to the pool.

You may notice there are no shots of ourselves. There is an obvious answer to that. We are just too pale to post!

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